Atomic dance gives rise to a magnet

Time-reversal symmetry (TRS) is pivotal for materials’ optical, magnetic, topological, and transport properties. Chiral phonons, characterized by atoms rotating unidirectionally around their equilibrium positions, generate dynamic lattice structures that break TRS. Here, in our recent work published on Science, we report that coherent chiral phonons, driven by circularly polarized terahertz light pulses, will polarize the paramagnetic spins in cerium fluoride in a manner similar to that of a quasi-static magnetic field on the order of 1 tesla. Through time-resolved Faraday rotation and Kerr ellipticity, we found that the transient magnetization is only excited by pulses resonant with phonons, proportional to the angular momentum of the phonons, and growing with magnetic susceptibility at cryogenic temperatures. The observation quantitatively agrees with our spin-phonon coupling model and may enable new routes to investigating ultrafast magnetism, energy-efficient spintronics, and nonequilibrium phases of matter with broken TRS.

Check out more fun and viewpoints from this perspective, Rice News,,, EurekAlert!, NSF highlights, DeepTech深科技, physics world.

Ultrafast THz field concentrators enabled by phonon polariton in quantum paraelectric SrTiO3

Mature optical technologies from the microwave frequencies to the X-ray frequencies have dramatically changed our life in the modern society, but there is a notable gap between the mid- and far-infrared light, roughly the frequencies of 5 – 15 terahertz, where there are no good commercial solutions to control light. In our new work published on Advanced Materials, we use quantum paraelectric perovskite SrTiO3, whose atoms couple with terahertz light so strongly that form a new particle called “phonon-polaritons” to realize sub-wavelength THz field focus. Unlike other materials that also support phonon-polaritons in other frequencies and usually in a very narrow range, SrTiO3 works for the entire “new terahertz gap” due to its quantum paraelectricity property. We prove the concept of SrTiO3 phonon-polariton devices in the frequency range of 7 – 13 terahertz by designing and fabricating ultrafast THz field concentrators to achieve a strong transient electric field around gigavolts per meter. Such a strong field may be used to change the materials’ structure to create new electronic properties, or create new nonlinear optical response from trace amounts of specific molecules to be detected by a common optical microscope. Our methodology framework is also applicable for a broad range of phonon-polaritonic materials to work for photonic devices in 3 – 19 terahertz, opening a new route to control light in one of the last under-explored territories. More details in Rice news.

EQUAL members attend international academic conferences with support from Rice Engineering Alumni

Recently our lab members have been actively participating international academic conferences to present their wonder works with the support of Rice Engineering Alumni Travel Grant!

Jiaming and Will went to APS March Meeting, 2023 in Las Vegas, NV to present their recent works on chiral phonon induced magnetism and the constrcution of unique opto-magneto equipment named Rice Advanced Magnet with Broad Optics II (RAMBO II, previous version of RAMBO can be found here)

Rui went to MRS Spring Exhibition, 2023 in San Francisco, CA to give an oral presentation for his work on developing phonon polaritonics in a special THz range with quantum paraelectric perovskite materials.

Exrremely glad to see you guys making great progress made during the last year!

Topological phonon-magnon coupling in atomically thin antiferromagnet

Check out our new results on Nano Letters! We have observed coherent hybridization of magnons and phonons first ever in monolayer antiferromagnet FePSe3 by cavity-enhanced magneto-Raman spectroscopy. The coupling remains robust even in zero magnetic field down to 2D limit in a single atomic layer. We also discovered theoretically that such magnon-phonon hybridization enables nontrivial band inversion between longitudinal and transverse optical phonons and guarantee magnetic-field-controlled topological phase transition. The 2D topological magnon–phonon hybridization would potentially offer a new route toward quantum phononics and magnonics with an ultrasmall footprint.